Olon Äänimatka:

Vaikuttava, Ikimuistoinen, Inspiroiva

“Erityisesti mieleen jäi äänimatka. Kokemus oli sanoinkuvaamattoman upea ja ainutlaatuinen. Ihan pelkästään jo sen vuoksi suosittelen käymään vierailulla. Kiitos vieraanvaraisuudesta ja tunnelmasta!”

– Anna

Uniikki, yksilöllinen Olo-Elämys

Olon Äänimatkoissa luonnon äänet ja musiikki yhdistyvät harmoniseksi sinfoniaksi, joka stimuloi hermostoasi ja palauttaa kehosi dynaamisen tasapainon. Matka voi olla välillä rentouttava, välillä energisoiva, mutta yksi asia on varma: se tarjoaa hetken täydellistä irtiottoa arjesta.

Äänimatkan vaikutukset ulottuvat syvälle: stressi, ahdistus, krooninen kipu ja väsymys lievittyvät, ja mielesi saa virrata vapaana. Äänet auttavat saavuttamaan syvempiä rentoutumisen tiloja, lisäävät tietoisuutta omista ajatuksista ja tunteista sekä parantavat keskittymiskykyä ja mielikuvitusta. Äänimatkan myötä voit tuntea itsesi ja keho-mieliyhteytesi uudella, kokonaisvaltaisemmalla tavalla.

TyHy/TyKy-päiviä suunnitellessa, otathan yhteyttä suoraan meihin: +358401258992

  • “We organized our entrepreneurial community's wellbeing trip to Olo Center. Olo was just right for us, because we were able to tailor a balance that suited us. The food was made for us according to our desired diet and the facilities were perfect and really comfortable for our 20 people group to stay and spend time together. We were able to comfortably break away from everyday life and bring members of our community's different projects together and get to know each other. There was also the possibility of pleasant activities nearby, and on the spot there was also the possibility of a sauna and a relaxing sound journey experience.”

    Hilla Klementti, Aalto Entrepreneur Society

  • “It’s deep work but actually fun too. There is a sense of it being very creative and participants got encouraged to tap in, not only to their body, but their own creativity so that the whole experience feels like creative work. The range of techniques that takes us into our body, into our nervous system as a way of regulating it is extraordinary and very practical, so in a sense, we have this toolkit that we can take away with us.”

    Jane Egginton, journalist Yoga Magazine

  • "In May, we spent a spring team day at Olo Center. The place is beautiful and inspiring, the rooms are stylish and the owner couple did everything for our wellbeing. We enjoyed local organic food made on the spot, took a sauna in a rural idyll. We participated in an Acoustic Body workshop tailored for us. The workshop awakened new energy in us and helped us connect things in a new way. For our team, it was important to foster creativity and teamwork. Olo Center provided a great framework for this. We even exceeded the goals for the days."

    Johanna Vuolasto
, Art Promotion Center Finland

  • “I really enjoyed the seminar with Catarina and Markus. The sound journeys are quite an extraordinary experience and the concept of the seminar is really convincing. I can recommend it!”

    Peter B., CEO, Allianz Münich

  • “A unique experience of high quality, something very special to be experienced in your office together with your team. Without a doubt I can recommend this to all organisations, who are seeking for new mindful methods to enhance their creativity.”

    Krista Petäjäjärvi, Arts Development Manager, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Program for Artistic Expertise and Mediation